
Risk classification systems

Risks can be classified according to the nature of the attributes of the risk, such as timescale for impact, and the nature of the impact and/or likely magnitude of the risk. They can also be classified according to the timescale of impact after the event occurs. The source of the risk can also be used as the basis of classification. In this case, a risk may be classified according to its origin, such as counterparty or credit risk.

A further way of classifying risks is to consider the nature of the impact. Some risks can cause detriment to the finances of the organization, whereas others will have an impact on the activities or the infrastructure. Further, risks may have an impact on the reputation of the organization or on its status and the way it is perceived in the marketplace.

Individual organizations will decide on the risk classification system that suits them best, depending on the nature of the organization and its activities. Also, many risk management standards and frameworks suggest a specific risk classification system. If the organization adopts one of these standards, then it will tend to follow the classification system recommended.

The risk classification system that is selected should be fully relevant to the organization concerned. There is no universal classification system that fulfils the requirements of all organizations. It is likely that each risk will need to be classified in several ways in order to clearly understand its potential impact. However, many classification systems offer common or similar structures, as will be described in later chapters.